Today I played with a quartet at a concert of composition class. Actually, none of us learns composition at the music academy, but our piano player Vera has wrote several pieces and showed them to the professor who liked what she wrote, therefore invited us to play. Firstly we were excited, but then everything changed in the opposite direction as we found out that our first violinist won’t be present at the concert. I was looking for a someone who would agree to play with us, but my searches were not successful. Everyone whom I found were either not experienced enough, or asked for a substantial money reward. Eventually, at the concert we played with a violinist from the academy; she is a good musician, but we didn’t have a lot of time for practicing together, so we played a little bit worse than we could… Actually, when you play in a quartet you have to feel each other as if you are one organism and this time it weren’t the case. Nevertheless, the second piece we played much better, because it is a trio for a piano, violin and cello, so we played in an original composition. I hope that we will have a chance to play all together and play more than two pieces written by Vera. Undoubtedly, she has a talent! The music she compose is very gentle and tremulous and at the same time grand and noble.
In any case, I enjoyed the concert and preparations for it. We had wonderful rehearsals with the professor from the academy. For the first time in my life I had rehearsals there and what is strange is that before the repetition, while we were waiting in a small corridor near his door, I heard how somebody was playing my favorite piece of music, Elgar’s concert for cello with orchestra. All I wanted at that moment is to open the door and listen to the music, and probably I would have done it if we were not invited to our rehearsal. I have already published the first part of the concert here, but now I am in the mood for the second part…
P.S. I’ve lost a bunch of white flowers received for the concert somewhere on my way home:(